The Vision
To develop global leaders in hospitality and tourism who are ambassadors of social change, are intellectually sound, ethically sensitive, socially compassionate and personifying the Indian tradition of ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’. Successful students of Konark College must have the knowledge, skill, motivation & experience to take up managerial responsibilities in the dynamically growing Tourism, Hotel & Hospitality sector.
The Mission
- To become a fountainhead of hospitality and tourism education in India
- To strengthen Industry Academic Interface and promote entrepreneurial development
- To develop and inculcate generic thinking skills, understanding of contemporary management theory, and the integration of theory and practice.
Our Educational System Principles
- Learner Centered Education
- Stake Holders Satisfaction
- Community Oriented Research
- Strong Community Relationship
- Serve the under served
- Meet the Regional, National and global Educational Needs
- Inter Organizational Linkage
- Strategic Future Oriented Planning
- Excellence in Knowledge, Skills & Service
- Professionalism in Management
- Open Organization Climate